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Whole School Curriculum

Our Curriculum Aim

We recognise that all pupils attending Willoughby have specific, diverse and individual needs and our curriculum aims to reflect and meet these. Our ultimate goal is that all pupils are enabled to be active learners who are gaining independence and learning to effectively communicate their needs, wants, and views.  

Curriculum Intent for Every Learner

The curriculum is designed to focus on a sense of self.  Enabling young people to develop self-awareness that starts in Early Years and is prioritised throughout their educational journey.

Once a sense of self is established it is crucial for our young people to feel valued within our school community so they feel safe and secure. This starts within their classrooms, then expands to the wider school then local community.

Once our young people reach Post-16 or college we want them to be equipped with the right skills to allow them to be successful in managing and living their life, this includes emotional regulation, life skills and accessing leisure opportunities.

The curriculum progression is planned to continue to build on skills that will serve our young people  beyond Willoughby enabling them to see themselves as learners in all settings.

Communication is at the centre of everything we do and the success for the curriculum is reliant on a shared language. 

Communication is the Access to Our Curriculum

Curriculum Coverage

Our curriculum is delivered through a theme based approach. Teachers have the freedom to use the themes creatively to cover areas of the curriculum which are relevant to the pupils they teach, ensuring that there is breadth and balance throughout all subjects across the year. Our 3  Year Curriculum Plan ensures continuity and progression. Themes are covered on a half-termly basis.  Our pupils follow their designated pathway.



HOw Pupils are being challenged through the curriculum

The academy curriculum is monitored through planned assessment, teaching and learning observations, learning walks and monitoring of outcomes. 

Personal development for all pupils is a high priority and teaching staff evidence this through a broad range of opportunities. Examples of this are; Vocational profiling, Student Council, Assemblies and Star of the week.