The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
At Willoughby Academy our Early Years Curriculum follows the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and subsequent guidelines for pupil’s learning and development. Pupils are provided with all the playful experiences and activities you would find available in any Early Years setting as well as additional learning opportunities, such as sensory therapy including spa opportunities and focussed key worker sessions.
We recognise that pupil’s Personal, Social and Emotional development underpins all subsequent learning and work hard to ensure pupil develop high levels of confidence, independence and self-awareness. Pupils respond well to our routines designed to enhance their social and life skills and are supported in developing their understanding of the rules we have and why they are important, both in school and within the wider community as it becomes appropriate to their understanding.
Pupils are offered a variety of experiences and stimuli in order to promote communication and language development and understanding and listening skills throughout the day. We work closely with speech and language therapists to ensure maximum progress for each individual and pupils have access to communication aids where appropriate.
Our pupils take part in a range of opportunities designed to develop their English skills such as regular sensory stories, singing, rhyme time and occasional trips out in the local community. We spend time developing early mathematical skills through play such as sorting and categorising, early counting and using number names as well as exploring concepts such as pattern, capacity and shape.
Planning takes into account individual needs. 1:1 and small group activities enable pupils to make progress across all areas of learning. We regularly consult with our Occupational Therapist to ensure our children are provided with appropriate challenge within their physical development based on their individual requirements. At a level appropriate to their stage of understanding, pupils are offered opportunities to develop their comprehension of the world around them and the different communities we see in Britain today. Exploring events and celebrations that are important to different communities.