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Star of the Week ​​

At Willoughby, each pupil attends a weekly assembly which celebrates outstanding achievements during that week. Pupils can be awarded star of the week by their class team for outstanding work, effort or contribution. 

In addition, each class has their own personalised reward system they use to reward hard work, attainment and effort.

Week ending 28.06.24

Buttercup Georgia - For amazing participation and focus in learning activities.
Poppy Emily - For being brave at her recent hospital appointments.
Sunflower Joseph - For being able to verbally answer lots of questions about our sensory story - Goldilocks and the three bears.
Water Lily Max - For making good decisions this week.
Daisy Louis - For engaging with science and electrical circuits.

Joe - For great enthusiasm and wanting extra challenges.

Madison - For amazing blending during phonics.

Iris All Iris pupils - For great behaviour on their class trip to the cinema.
Venus Flytrap Rosie - For trying all the fruits when we made our fruit pictures.
Foxglove Elio - For a truly amazing week!
Leopard Lily All Leopard Lily pupils - For super behaviour on the school trip to Ferry Meadows.
Tiger Lily Katie - For using the Communication Board with someone unfamiliar.
Lavender Jon-Pall - For using this voice to try and say April.
Snapdragon Thomas - For super tray tasks skills.
Protea Sky - For amazing science knowledge this week.
Bluebell Ollie - For good engagement during his transition lessons.
Jasmine Jay - For fabulous responses whilst accessing the foot spa. 

Week ending 21.06.24


Frankie - For coming to adults for help and comfort.

Poppy Lenny - For his confidence when calling out in phonics.
Sunflower Cayson - For his acting skills as he recited our class story, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Water Lily Max - For great work making a cheese sandwich.

Louis and Teddy - For great interaction with science this week.  Especially the Sci-Fest visit from Bourne Grammar School which they both attended asking scientific questions.  

Daffodil Sophie - For her amazing and beautiful handwriting this week.
Iris Joe - For his fantastic sewing and creativity whilst puppet making.
Venus Flytrap Sidney - For fantastic work and understanding in phonics with his new reading comprehension worksheets.
Foxglove Savannah - For following instructions and for developing her independence skills.
Leopard Lily Stephen - For trying different foods during our healthy eating lesson.
Tiger Lily Jess - For her independence in Duke of Edinburgh's skills.
Lavender Anit - For using his manners and a fantastic attitude to learning all week.
Snapdragon Jacob and Diontie - For engagement in STEM/Careers activities this week.
Protea Thomas - For an outstanding speaking and listening assessment.
Bluebell Oliver - For peddling the trike independently.
Jasmine Dylan - For using his hands whilst exploring, making sounds during our Science Fest.

Week ending 14.06.24


Noah - For fantastic peddling on the trike.

Athena - For amazing focus,

Poppy Aaron - For amazing sharing on three separate occasions this week. You are a very kind friend. Well done!
Sunflower All of Sunflower Class - For super behaviour on our school trip.
Water Lily Billy - For fantastic work in Maths recognising o'clock and half past on an analogue clock.

Teddy and Louis - For excellent teamwork in Forest School which extended into lovely play.

Daffodil Alfie B- For great independent sentences this week.
Iris Lili - For her fantastic communication out in the community when asking for raffle prizes.
Venus Flytrap Calum - For great communication on the iPad this week.
Foxglove Daniel - For settling into Willoughby so well.
Leopard Lily James - For sharing a game with a friend and using the iPad to say whose turn it is.
Tiger Lily Kelsey - For a super week.
Lavender Cairo - For following instructions from the Forest School Teacher.
Snapdragon Finlay - For excellent attitude towards learning and engagement in lessons and class activities.
Protea Zhi Chen and Charlie - For a great first work experience at World Wide Fruit.
Bluebell Ollie - For good walking and tummy time this week.
Jasmine Sabine - For relaxing and enjoying her passive stretches during our body awareness session.

Week ending 07.06.24

Buttercup Arthur - For joining in with 'Funky Fingers'
Poppy Seb - For using phonics on the iPad with adult support.
Sunflower Daisy-May - For participating well in yoga this week.
Water Lily

Teddie - For being in class more and joining in with the library, 4D and cooking.

Phoebe - For using the toilet every day this week.


Louis - For fantastic gymnastics on the beam in PE.

Teddy - For going to the Swing Room every day and for following his programme so well.

Daffodil Eva - For gaining confidence and joining in with activities and coming into school.
Iris Aiden - For increased independence and for great effort in his morning work.
Venus Flytrap All pupils - For asking great questions on our trip to Delaine and for their amazing behaviour throughout the morning.
Foxglove Elio - For great participation this week, well done!
Leopard Lily Kai - For excellent attempts to walk this week.
Tiger Lily Alexander - For good communication and engagement in all his lessons.
Lavender Matthew - For his fantastic attitude to learning this week.
Snapdragon Madi - For her bravery and positive thinking.
Protea Kayden C - For showing good leadership on our trip and in school.
Bluebell Oliver - For good switch work.
Jasmine Daniel - For being very expressive during the 4D experience this week.

Week ending 17.05.24

Buttercup Frankie - For talking, counting and engagement at Forest School.
Poppy Jayce - For being really good for two weeks, and for listening in Literacy sessions.
Sunflower Cayson - For beautiful artwork as we made our carnival decorations.
Water Lily Oliver - For working well in a number of lessons this week, including Forest School and Attention Autism.
Daisy Louis and Teddy - For great co-operation and planning of play sessions together at home.
Daffodil Alfie - For trying really hard to interact with his peers this week.

Lili and Alex - For excellent presented work on bar charts.

Lexi - For using a new magnetic tool independently to create her bar chart.

Venus Flytrap

Ash - For regulating his emotions and being able to complete the task in hand.

Roman - For great contributions towards our research project on different countries and for being brave at hospital.

Foxglove Scarlett - For exploring new foods with her hands and particularly spring onion.
Leopard Lily Myles - For getting on and sitting in the boat at sailability,
Tiger Lily Amelia - For a positive and engaging week and for following instructions.
Lavender Matthew - For great listening and attempting to use the toilet.
Snapdragon Jan - For winning the Trust 'Physics in Photos' competition. 
Protea Thomas - For amazing descriptive writing.
Bluebell Chloe - For good choice making with the E-Tran board.
Jasmine Deimante - For using her big voice to express a sense of like whilst tracking colourful lights.

Week ending 10.05.24

Buttercup Henry - For using the toilet every day,
Poppy Lenny - For eating new vegetables.
Sunflower Zach - For his switch work, pressing and holding the switch to keep the animation going.
Water Lily Archer - For trying to use the pronouns, I, He and She correctly when writing sentences.
Daisy Teddy and Louis - For excellent teamwork during Forest School to build a teepee.
Daffodil Reggie - For good Maths work this week.
Iris Tommy - For excellent progress in maths, scoring 19 out of 20 in his assessment.
Venus Flytrap Iona - For great independence in Maths this week and knowing her 2x tables speedily.
Foxglove Scarlett - For great eye contact and lovely talking during circle time.
Leopard Lily Eva - For excellent steering of the boat when sailing.
Tiger Lily Kelsey - For asking amazing questions.
Lavender Anit - For being ready to learn, good listening and having a calm week.
Snapdragon Finlay - For focus and progress made in Literacy.
Protea Eleanor - For amazing work on her lists this week.
Bluebell Archie - For time spent in his stander, excellent work!
Jasmine Abi - For her super responses whilst exploring the Wellhead with her friends during our visit to the park.

Week ending 03.05.24

Buttercup Georgia - For interacting with her peers.
Poppy Alexa - For her independence at lunchtime by following a sequence for making a wrap.

Noah - For talking and telling adults if he wants something or not.

Joseph - For telling the class our schools shared language "Be Safe, Be Ready, Be Kind"

Water Lily Phoebe - For good listening and answering questions in Literacy,
Daisy Louis and Teddy - For a lovely Forest School this week.
Daffodil Madison - For amazing work in Maths this week.
Iris Jack - For excellent Times Tables.
Venus Flytrap Sidney - For showing great enthusiasm in all his lessons this week, specifically English.
Foxglove Elio - For getting his morning work independently.
Leopard Lily James - For excellent brushing of his teeth during PSHE.
Tiger Lily Luke and Jess - For achieving their Pearsons qualifications in Maths.
Lavender Cairo - For being calm and fantastic reading.
Snapdragon Jacob & Liam - For their hard work ethic in all lessons.
Protea Amie - For excellent communication to all staff and peers.
Bluebell Ollie - For great signing and asking for 'More'.
Jasmine Jay - For being very relaxed and using his big voice during spa.

Week ending 26.04.24

Buttercup Aaron - For great problem solving and explaining his ideas.

Evie - For progression in her learning and recognising colours independently.

Emily - For an incredible week with whole class learning and for answering tricky questions.

Sunflower Lexi - For trying new activities in P.E this week by walking on the balance beam and exploring the tunnel.
Water Lily Max - For being kind and helpful to younger children.
Daisy Louis and Teddy - For lovely collaborative play with the hot wheel track, listening to each others ideas and complementing each other. 
Daffodil Leah - For amazing sound work in phonics.
Iris Honey-Bea and Aiden - For their Braille reading.
Venus Flytrap Noah - For great Mexican fact finding and remembering the facts to tell other peers and adults.
Foxglove Breanna - For great independent work this week.
Leopard Lily Fred - For excellent communication this week.
Tiger Lily Sam and Luke - For their contributions in Enterprise.
Lavender Oscar - For having a positive attitude towards his learning this week.
Snapdragon Finlay - For progression and focus in Literacy lessons.
Protea Thomas - For catching up on his work and for being kind.
Bluebell Imogen - For her good work with PECS.
Jasmine Dylan - For using his big voice to request his turn to explore the instruments.

Week ending 19.04.24

Buttercup All Buttercup Pupils - For amazing communication during the class 'Hello' session.
Poppy Jake and Jude - For great work in Maths.

Harry - For being super helpful in PE without being prompted.

Daisy - May - For putting her shoes on with no prompting.

Water Lily Oliver - For good concentration in Maths.
Daisy Teddy - For settling back into Daisy Class, following our routine and working so well.

Alfie - For always being kind and helping his friends.

Jaxson - For having a good week in Daffodil Class.

Iris Joseph - For supporting the set up of our class routine and being helpful every day. Nothing is too much trouble for Joseph.
Venus Flytrap Calum - For his super focus and involvement in maths this week.
Foxglove Noah - For a fantastic week in Foxglove.
Leopard Lily All of Leopard Lily for a fantastic first sailability lesson.
Tiger Lily Leah - For being kind at home and for working really hard all week.
Lavender Jon-Pall - For fantastic listening and engagement this week.

Holly - For self-regulating behaviour with warmth.

Gabriella - For great focus in lessons and super progress in SALT.

Protea James H-D - For being polite and engaged with the Clancy session today.
Bluebell Chloe - For trying the wheelchair swing and roundabout this week and showing signs of enjoying it.
Jasmine Sabine - For independent sitting on her chair whilst enjoying our communication session.

Week ending 28.03.24

Buttercup Eva - For showing an interest in different foods.
Poppy All of Poppy Class - For joining in with the Easter Celebrations.
Sunflower All of Sunflower Class - For our lovely Easter Celebration.
Water Lily All of Water Lily Class - For their efforts in the Easter Celebration.
Daisy Noah - For completing all of his lessons beautifully this week.
Daffodil All of Daffodil Class - For having the confidence getting up to do the show in front of lots of people in a different environment.
Iris Lexi - For speaking in the Easter service and going out in the community in her power chair for the first time.
Venus Flytrap All of Venus Flytrap - For their performance in the church this week.
Foxglove Elio - For working independently during numeracy.
Leopard Lily All of Leopard Lily Class - For fantastic performance at the Easter service.
Tiger Lily Ben - For his independence in Forest School.
Lavender Cairo - For welcoming parents to the church service,
Snapdragon Liam - For excellent focus on his work and a positive attitude towards learning.
Protea Kyle - For great participation in our Easter egg hunt.
Bluebell Ollie - For great communication this week.
Jasmine Abi and Sabine - For focused on the eye gaze and coloured the image. Great Work!

Week ending 22.03.24

Buttercup Willow - For great signing this week.
Poppy Saayon - For his brilliant attitude and effort in writing this week.
Sunflower Teddy - For super Maths (one more or one less) from a given number.
Water Lily Archer - For becoming more and more confident at swimming lessons each week, especially when using the floats and kicking his legs.
Daisy Louis and Jaxson - For lovely walking to the Fire Station this week and asking excellent questions.
Daffodil Alfie - For being more open about his feelings and finding the words to tell us why he is not feeling in the green zone.
Iris Aiden and Honey-Bea - For positive work in their SEST session.
Venus Flytrap Calum - For using his communication book to make sentences.
Foxglove All Foxglove pupils - For being so sensible and caring towards the chicks.
Leopard Lily Myles - For fantastic communication this week.
Tiger Lily Kelsey - For asking good questions to visitors.
Lavender Oscar - For following instructions really well all week.
Snapdragon Madi - For fantastic progress in her See & Learn vocabulary.
Protea Ben - For his superb engagement in Careers Week.
Bluebell Chloe - For good switch work this week.
Jasmine Dylan - For using his big voice to request more of an experience during our sensology session.

Week ending 15.03.24

Buttercup Noah - For approaching adults to make requests.
Poppy Jake - For incredible listening and independent skills in cookery this week.
Sunflower Daisy-May - For using her 'I want' strip to request objects.
Water Lily Phoebe - For trying to float on her back during swimming.
Daisy Jaxson - For independent morning jobs and good manners.
Daffodil Joe - For excellent work in phonics lessons.

Lili - For fantastic independence in cooking.

Vinnie - For a positive approach to his phonics work.

Venus Flytrap Roman - For fantastic lengths in swimming lessons.
Foxglove William - For fantastic walking to and from Tesco.
Leopard Lily Fred - For his enthusiasm, learning about the chicks in school.
Tiger Lily Katie - For confidently using her new iPad.
Lavender Tallulah - For independently asking for toast when on our school trip to the cafe. 
Snapdragon Thomas - For courage and resilience on our Community Visit this week.
Protea Amie - For taking her time with her work and adding valuable comments to class discussion independently.
Bluebell Archie - For being a superstar in his new work chair.
Jasmine Jay - For working hard to locate the sounds during our sound bath session.

Week ending 08.03.24

Buttercup Athena - For her amazing switch work.
Poppy Evie - For handing out the class pictures with support and giving two adults their pictures with no help.
Sunflower Riley - For being very calm and gentle while enjoying a musical story massage.
Water Lily

Oliver - For laying on a float and kicking his legs during our swimming lesson.

Edward - For helping to collect toys and sticking them to the side during our swimming lesson.

Daisy Louis - For completing a maths quiz and for taking part in Careers Week so enthusiastically.
Daffodil Reggie - For making really good choices this week.
Iris Jack - For his contributions to class discussions and independent work in Maths.
Venus Flytrap Ash - For having an amazing week and engaging in all his lessons.
Foxglove All Foxglove Pupils - For being so sensible and compassionate this week.
Leopard Lily Scott - For walking in and out of the swimming pool.
Tiger Lily Fin - For his dedication and patience throughout the OCR meal preparation unit.
Lavender Anit - For caring about his friend when they were upset. 
Snapdragon Imogen - For her fantastic artistic skills and talents.
Protea Zhi Chen - For his independent creative story on World Book Day.

Charlotte - For good engagement during Careers Week and World Book Day.

Esmae - For trying to pedal the tricycle on her own for the first time.

Jasmine Abi - For super interactions with Tracy during our Tiny Steps Farm Experience. 

Week ending 01.03.24

Buttercup Frankie - For amazing Maths.
Poppy Lenny - For his confidence this week, when speaking out in group sessions.
Sunflower Lexi - For using new symbols to ask for the things Lexi wants in sensory story and finding them on the communication board.
Water Lily Max - For being helpful around school.
Daisy Jaxson - For a super week, especially in the 'Maths Mega Quiz', Science and Computers and being a good friend.
Daffodil Lewi - For adapting well to his new end of day routine.
Iris Alex - For her generosity in helping and supporting peers and adults.
Venus Flytrap Calum - For using his communication book to create a fantastic independent question for the King in our English lesson. 
Foxglove AJay - For a great table cricket session.
Leopard Lily Eva - For finding an item in the charity shop that her friend wanted and giving it to them.
Tiger Lily Kelsey - For walking in her walker and for talking this week.
Lavender Jon-Pall - For following instructions whilst outside.
Snapdragon Jan - For improved focus in lessons and completing his work.
Protea James HD - For his amazing artwork and being extremely helpful to staff.
Bluebell Ollie - For his tapping rhythmically to the drum beat in sound bath.
Jasmine Abi - For super interactions with adults as she enjoyed an opportunity to visit the ball pool.

Week ending 23.02.24

Buttercup Henry - For using symbols and iPad to make requests.
Poppy Jayce - For being an all round super star this week! His listening skills in all lessons have been much better and he's tried hard to contribute in lessons.
Sunflower Teddy - For trying out the ball pool and being happy and relaxed while in there.
Water Lily Phoebe - For a fantastic first swimming session.
Daisy Noah - For good work and inviting friends to play with him.
Daffodil Leah - For being really sensible during her SALT session.
Iris Joe - For building sentences independently everyday on his iPad.
Venus Flytrap

Rosie - For being brave in swimming.

Noah - For being so kind and helpful to his friends and members of staff around the school.

Foxglove Savannah - For being very sensible and responsible.
Leopard Lily Myes - For huming the chorus of a song.
Tiger Lily Jess - Independent work in Enterprise and supporting others.
Lavender Matthew - For showing great listening skills in the canteen.

Liam - For a positive work ethic and completing his work on time.

Gabriella - For being kind to her friends and showing a growing mature approach to decision making.

Protea Ben - For his hard work with Culina.
Bluebell Oscar - For fantastic switch work during ICT.
Jasmine Sabine - For grasping her spoon and feeding herself whilst in school this week.

Week ending 09.02.24

Buttercup Noah - For amazng walking.
Poppy Seb - For fantastic talking and for using his voice.
Sunflower Joseph - For being really brave and making amazing progress getting into the spa.
Water Lily Edward - For finding his PECS symbols in his book. 
Daisy Whole Class - For all trying really hard and making great improvements this term with both work and friendships.
Daffodil Alfie - For excellent iPad skills and SALT session.
Iris Honey-Bea -  For fantastic effort and expression in her phonics work.
Venus Flytrap Sidney - For showing kindness and looking after his friends.

Elio - For attempting to use his voice alongside a communication grid.

William - For excellent participation in Forest School.

Leopard Lily Stephen - For swimming under the water this week.
Tiger Lily Whole class - For coping so well when staff were off.
Lavender Cairo - For a fantastic attitude to learning when completing his 'see and learn' work in a morning.
Snapdragon Madi - For hard work and focus in literacy intervention.
Protea Zhi Chen, Kayden C, Kayden B, Harvey, Thomas, Ryan and James - For doing well in their mocks.
Bluebell Esmae and Imogen - For going on the trikes for the first time in school!
Jasmine Jay - For seeking light sources during our 4D experience.

Week ending 02.02.24

Buttercup Eva - For sitting down at lunchtime.
Poppy Jake - For wearing his glasses and keeping them on all the time.
Sunflower Riley - For independently choosing to join his friends on the mat during relaxation in PE and having kind hands during this.
Water Lily Billy - For lifting his feet off the floor and kicking his legs when using a float.
Daisy Whole Class - For individual moments of brilliance, outlined on individual certificates, well done everyone!
Daffodil Reggie - For great sportsmanship at bowling.
Iris Whole Class - For brilliantly organising and setting up our surprise party.
Venus Flytrap Ash - For having a great week, Ash has worked hard in all areas of his learning and has been kind and helpful to all his friends.
Foxglove William - For a fantastic week in all areas of school life.
Leopard Lily James - For some good money exchange in the community.
Tiger Lily Noah - For coping incredibly well in a difficult cooking lesson, staying focused and positive despite other pupils being upset. 
Lavender Anit - For tasting and eating grapes in our life skills lesson.
Snapdragon Jacob and Diontie - For consistent focus and hard work in all lessons.
Protea Amie - For taking her time with her work and not rushing.
Bluebell Imogen - For great work on her PECs.
Jasmine Deimante - For using her big voice to express a sense of 'like' during our sound bath session.

Week ending 26.01.24

Buttercup Georgia - For greeting and talking to people she meets around the school.
Poppy Sebastiaan - For great attention in a variety of activities.
Sunflower Zach - For amazing engagement and reactions during our sound bath session.
Water Lily Phoebe - For excellent work in Art making a rocket.
Daisy Noah - For saying, 'Can I play your game, Louis...we can take turns'
Daffodil Sophie - For trying her best with everything all week.
Iris Jack - For always trying his best.
Venus Flytrap Louie - For continuous focus in all lessons and being kind to friends.
Foxglove All Foxglove pupils - For a superb trip to Tesco. 
Leopard Lily Fred - For excellent communication whilst out in the community.
Tiger Lily Sam - For doing some really independent work in cooking this week.
Lavender Tallulah - For a fantastic attitude to learning all week. 
Snapdragon Holly - For great positivity, good focus in lessons and super progress.
Protea Charlie - For his amazing artwork.

Chloe - For good work with the switch in ICT.

Oscar - For responses to the bubbles and space props this week.

Jasmine Daniel - For being very enthusiastic and activating his switch to say hello to friends around the school,

Week ending 19.01.24

Buttercup Arthur - For his interactions with new people.
Poppy Saayon - For being really kind to his friend Jude.
Sunflower Daisy-May - For choosing to join in with new experiences. Being brave and curious in the spa and for eating a whole slice of toast during independence skills.
Water Lily Archer - For wearing an apron in Art lessons.
Daisy Jaxson - For some lovely work this week and for being a good friend.
Daffodil Oscar - For amazing work in cooking and for being really brave this week.
Iris Vinnie - For fantastic communication with staff and peers.
Venus Flytrap Calum - For great attention and effort in phonics this week.
Foxglove Savannah - For an amazing week at school.
Leopard Lily Eva - For listening and following instructions in the charity shop.
Tiger Lily Fin - For his teamwork and independence in cooking.
Lavender Matthew - For fantastic walking to and from Tesco's.
Snapdragon Lucas - For being motivated and completing class and homework very well.
Protea Kayden B - For excellent science knowledge.
Bluebell Charlotte - For good reactions and communication in the spa.
Jasmine Dylan - For super switch work during our ICT session.

Week ending 12.01.24

Buttercup Aaron - For being able to brilliantly spell his name.

Jude - For starting to sound out words.

Emily - For starting to recognise words.

Sunflower Cayson - For being a very kind and helpful friend without being asked.
Water Lily Archer/Oliver/Phoebe/William and Max - For a fantastic first swimming lesson.
Daisy Louis - For showing maturity and for being a good friend.
Daffodil Alfie - For amazing work in literacy this week.

Lili - For climbing to the top of the climbing frame and trying so hard in maths.

Joe - For working independently and always trying his best.

Venus Flytrap Rosie and Sidney - For showing great listening and confidence in swimming.
Foxglove William - For having a fantastic attitude to learning this week.
Leopard Lily Stephen - For concentrating whilst using a saw in Enterprise.
Tiger Lily Luke - For doing the right thing in a tricky situation and for a great first week at his work experience placement.
Lavender Jon-Pall - For great engagement with learning in all classes.
Snapdragon Thomas - For using his voice in asking and in conversations with known adults this week.
Protea Finlay - For sharing some amazing space facts and songs with his class.
Bluebell Chloe - For good interactions and communication this week.
Jasmine Abi - Very engaged during our sensory room experience, super interactions with adults.

Week ending 05.01.24

Buttercup All Buttercup pupils - For returning to school with enthusiasm and readiness to learn.
Poppy Evie - For super tidying up and following routines.
Sunflower Daisy-May - For using the PECs folder functionally this week.
Water Lily Edward - For doing calm sensory circuits.
Daisy Noah - For doing his morning jobs and accessing sensory gym this week.
Daffodil Matthew - For excellent work with his physio.
Iris Tommy - For great participation in Skills Builder.
Venus Flytrap Iona - For starting the term positively and enthusiastically.
Foxglove Scarlett - For a fantastic first week back and trying new things.
Leopard Lily Scott - For using the iPad to choose the correct symbol.
Tiger Lily Amelia - For great work in PSHE.
Lavender Oscar - For following instructions when tidying the PE equipment away.
Snapdragon Gabriella - For kindness to her friends, a positive start to the new year and great focus this week.
Protea James Hudson-Derry - For excellent settling in and participation.

Oliver - For joining in with action songs,

Ollie - For his walking and communication.

Jasmine Sabine - For super interactions during our communication session.

Week ending 15.12.23

Buttercup Arthur - For joining in with the group.
Poppy All Poppy pupils - For coping so well with different activities and timetable changes this week.
Sunflower Teddy - For being a considerate friend and his incredible 'one-liners'.
Water Lily Teddie - For finding the correct amount of money to buy an item up to 20p.
Daisy Jaxson - For asking 'can I go outside, please' instead of getting cross in class when he heard a song that he didn't like.
Daffodil Madison - For great sharing and teamwork during different activities over the past week.
Iris Vinnie, Jack, Joe and Lili - For their fantastic participation in the upper school performance.
Venus Flytrap Teddy - For being brave when having his operation this week.
Foxglove Elio - For great sitting and participation this week.
Leopard Lily All Leopard Lilly pupils - For a fantastic term.
Tiger Lily All Tiger Lily pupils - For working hard to collate prizes for the Christmas raffle.
Lavender Oscar - For following instructions really well on his work experience placement.
Snapdragon All snapdragon pupils - For their efforts in the Christmas performances and activities this week.
Protea Ryan - For being an excellent DJ.
Bluebell Ollie - For great singing along to Christmas music.
Jasmine Deimante - Super exploring the lights and sounds during our festive senology session.

Week ending 08.12.23

Buttercup Athena - For making choices.
Poppy Whole Class - For excellent participation in the Christmas Nativity.
Sunflower Whole class - For being absolute super stars in our Christmas concert.
Water Lily Billy - For amazing work counting money.
Daisy Whole class - For participating so well in the nativity performance.
Daffodil Whole class - For beautiful singing and showing lots of confidence during the show.
Iris Vinnie - For having the courage to volunteer for a solo in the Christmas performance next week.
Venus Flytrap Roman - For showing great resilience this week and joining in with all learning activities this week.
Foxglove Whole class - For dealing with change and being a fantastic class!
Leopard Lily Kai - For excellent cooking this week.
Tiger Lily Sam and Fin - For their solo performances in rehearsals.
Lavender Matthew - For fantastic walking to and from the church.
Snapdragon Jan - For kindness and tolerance towards his peers.
Protea Kyle - For great leadership.
Bluebell Whole class - For being super animals in our Christmas Nativity.
Jasmine Jay - For super responses during our Christmas rehearsals. 

Week ending 01.12.23

Buttercup Henry - For amazing engagement in art and making clear choices.
Poppy Emily - For amazing singing and signing.
Sunflower Daisy-May - For independently saying and waving hello and goodbye appropriately this week.
Water Lily Archer - For independently getting changed.
Daisy Noah - For sensible behaviour at the swimming pool and for reading so well in our nativity rehearsal.
Daffodil Lewi - For amazing effort and participation in Performing Arts.
Iris Lexi - For fantastic bravery and positivity.
Venus Flytrap Rosie - For showing so much enthusiasm when practicing the Christmas Performance.
Foxglove Scarlett - For fantastic singing and drumming.
Leopard Lily James - For using the iPad correctly to say hello.
Tiger Lily

Noah - For being a brave friend.

Ben - For doing a brilliant job at work experience.

Lavender Cairo - For great attitude to learning this week.
Snapdragon Jacob - For excellent analysis of the text in English.
Protea Kyle - For improved listening and focus this week.
Bluebell Imogen and Oscar - For good anticipation this week for our sensory cue music.
Jasmine Dylan - For being very curious and watching his friends during group work activities.

Week ending 24.11.23


Frankie - For engaging in activities at the table.

Eva - Initiating interactions with friends and adults.

Poppy Alexa - For being independently creative in our 'Creation Station'.
Sunflower Riley - For sitting happily with his gaiters on for an hour.
Water Lily Oliver - For using symbols to describe a picture,
Daisy Noah - For settling into school and doing his three morning jobs, every day this week.
Daffodil Sophie - For careful listening and following every instruction from the Swim Teacher when swimming unaided.
Iris Honey-Bea - For independent work and fantastic Braille art.
Venus Flytrap Calum - For increase in confidence to answer questions in lessons this week.
Foxglove William - For fantastic participation and communication this week.
Leopard Lily Fred - For excellent swimming this week.
Tiger Lily

Katie - For making independent requests on the iPad.

Noah - For listening, regulation and for being 'Star Baker'.

Lavender Jon-Pall - For using his subtraction skills when working out how much change was needed with money,
Snapdragon Diontie - For excellent behaviour and engagement in lessons.
Protea Ryan - For sending amazing e-mails this week.
Bluebell Esmae - For independently pressing her switch to share her news.
Jasmine Abi - Very responsive during our intensive interaction session.

Week ending 17.11.23

Buttercup Noah - For exploring objects with his hands.

Jake - For his excellent toileting.

Seb - For using symbols in lots of different situations.

Sunflower Noah - For saying 'thank you' without prompting after our lorry visit.
Water Lily Phoebe - For great shape work in Maths.
Daisy Jaxson - For playing co-operatively and imaginatively with four different friends both in class and in the playground.
Daffodil Whole Class - For coping with all the changes this week.
Iris Lili - For putting her hand up to contribute in all lessons.
Venus Flytrap Ash - For contributing positively to all lessons this week and creating an amazing Titanic story prop.
Foxglove Ajay - For using his voice as an additional form of communication.
Leopard Lily Stephen - For swimming and confidentially going under the water.
Tiger Lily Katie, Ben, Leah and Luke - For fantastic use of iPads out and about in the community this week.
Lavender Anit - For good independent and listening skills in cooking.

Finlay – For excellent analysis of the text in A Christmas Carol in Literacy lessons.

Lucas - For excellent effort in Maths and Literacy lessons this week.

Protea Finlay - For excellent participation in speaking and listening this week.
Bluebell Oliver - For great work this week, working on cause and effect.
Jasmine Brody - For super responses during our sound work whilst experiencing the space blanket.

Week ending 10.11.23

Buttercup Willow - For brilliant engagement with our maths counting song.
Poppy Evie - For starting to do consistent PECs exchanges with a new person for a new activity.
Sunflower Joseph - For answering questions using 'Yes and No'.
Water Lily Max - For completing a circuit in PE independently.
Daisy Louis - For joining in every lesson this week so enthusiastically.
Daffodil Matthew - For great progress when using his walker.
Iris Joseph - For fantastic participation in all lessons, including SALT and Physio.
Venus Flytrap All pupils - For showing great learning behaviours in all lessons, this week.
Foxglove Elio - For great participation in all aspects of your learning this week.
Leopard Lily James - For using PECs to ask to go to the toilet.
Tiger Lily Everyone in Tiger Lily - For an amazing week!
Lavender Oscar - For working independently to clear up the outside area.
Snapdragon Madi - For her enthusiasm for learning.
Protea Zhi chen - For self-regulating so well through a tough situation this week.
Bluebell Oscar - For great reactions to the space paper.
Jasmine Sabine - For being very focused as she explored painting pictures using Eyegaze technology.

Week ending: 03.11.23

Buttercup Noah - For brilliant progress with his physiotherapy exercises.
Poppy Lenny - For being a kind and caring friend, helping Emily with her broken arm.
Sunflower Harry - For being kind and considerate to his friends and remembering all the signs to "We wish you a Merry Christmas".
Water Lily Edward - For beginning to recognise shapes.
Daisy Louis, Jaxson and Noah - For settling back into school this term.
Daffodil Reggie - For amazing swimming.
Iris Jack - For great independence in Maths.
Venus Flytrap Louise - For showing kindness to all of his friends and looking for ways he can help everyone throughout the day.
Foxglove Breanna - For making wonderful communication attempts and using her voice,
Leopard Lily Scott - For reversing his power-chair.
Tiger Lily

Fin - For is contributions to class projects and enterprise.

Tiger Lily peers voted for Amelia as she had a really positive afternoon following the fire alarm sounding.

Lavender Tallulah - For fantastic participation and remembering all the words to the Forest School song!
Snapdragon Thomas - For making excellent progress in addition in Maths using the column method.

James HD - For helping his friends and the staff this week with Kerryn being off.

Sky - For helping her peers read during the pet therapy session and helping her peers log on and off the laptops.

Bluebell Charlotte - For good communication this week and being engaged in her learning.
Jasmine Sabine - For super interactions during our body awareness session.

Week ending: 20.10.23

Buttercup Arthur - For engaging brilliantly in sensory play.
Poppy Saayon - For managing his feelings well and trusting in the adults around him.
Sunflower Daisy-May - For using her PECS in class and in the canteen - travelling and persisting.
Water Lily Elio and Louis - For successful visit to their new class.
Daisy Madison and Sophie - For engaging well with Daffodil class  with their transitions.
Daffodil Matthew - For using Zones of Regulation well.
Iris Vinnie - For fantastic team work in PE.
Venus Flytrap Sidney - For increasing independence and resilience in all lessons this week.
Foxglove Ariel - You have exhibited all of the Willoughby values over this term, well done.
Leopard Lily Eva - For remaining calm and for good waiting.
Tiger Lily

Leah - For her massive contribution in Enterprise this half term.

Samuel - For his maturity this week, particularly in Forest School and chats with Jess.

Lavender Cairo - For great participation in Forest School this term.

Maddie - For being kind to everyone and for always working hard.

Finlay - For perseverance in Literacy and Maths and for producing good work as a result.

Protea Kyle - For being really focused and engaged on our trip to Magnvale. 
Bluebell Oliver - For participating in our body awareness and action songs.
Jasmine Daniel - For his super switch work.

Week ending: 13.10.23

Buttercup Frankie - For sitting down to eat.
Poppy Emily - For being kind to her friends.
Sunflower Lexi - For trying hard to use a pincer grasp in her work sessions.
Water Lily Phoebe - For making sentences contain two symbols.
Daisy Madison - For great independent work during rhyming activities.
Daffodil Lewi - For engaging so well with his new calm box.
Iris Lili - For fantastic independence in Maths.
Venus Flytrap Roman - For a great start to his own story writing of Funnybones.
Foxglove Hayden - For fantastic independent morning work.
Leopard Lily Kai - For fantastic reactions during Emotional Literacy.
Tiger Lily Whole Class - For coping well with changes this week.
Lavender Anit - For being a great role model to his friends in Tesco.
Snapdragon Liam - For mature and focused behaviour, showing kindness and working hard throughout the week.
Protea Amie - For using zones of regulation to tell others how she is feeling,
Bluebell Archie - For using his stander for over an hour a day during this week.
Jasmine Deimante - For super exploration using her hands,

Week ending: 06.10.23

Buttercup Henry - For great independence.
Poppy Jude - For super counting and sounds that he is making.
Sunflower Teddy - For excellent cognition work and quickly recognising numbers to 3.
Water Lily

Louis - For completing independent box work activities in the morning.

Archer - For joining the rest of the class by laying on a mat for TACPAC.

Daisy Oscar - For amazing effort at swimming this week.

Leah - For fantastic focus in all lessons.

Reggie - For engaging well with his new iPad.

Iris Joe - For fantastic independence in cooking and brilliant speaking in emotional literacy.
Venus Flytrap Shihan - For being kind to his friend and trying his best in all of his lessons.
Foxglove Scarlett - For outstanding improvement in her Forest School skills, fantastic participation and contribution.
Leopard Lily Stephen - For weighing out ingredients in Enterprise independently.
Tiger Lily Jess - For helping peers, super classwork and great attitude.
Lavender Jon-Pall - For amazing drumming in Performing Arts.
Snapdragon Gabriella - For an immense effort in being safe, being ready and being kind,
Protea Sky - For using her new reading pen to read independently during 'Choose Time'.
Bluebell Ollie - For great switch work, using two switches to turn the foot spa on and off independently.
Jasmine Dylan - For super exploration using both hands.

Week ending: 29.09.23

Buttercup Willow - For approaching friends to play with them.
Poppy Jayce - For being kind to his peers and adults.
Sunflower Zach - For trying really hard to engage with his learning.
Water Lily Edward - For getting an adult's attention when using PECS.
Daisy Oliver - For improved concentration in some tasks.
Daffodil Alfie - For trying really hard during his swimming lesson.
Iris Honey-Bea - For fantastic listening and contributions during 'Stay Safe' day.
Venus Flytrap Iona - For amazing maths work this week.
Foxglove Ajay - For his engagement in music and singing to the class.
Leopard Lily Stephen - For sharing and taking turns with a friend.
Tiger Lily Luke - For working well as a team and using his initiative throughout the week.
Lavender Oscar - For working really hard with Makaton signing.
Snapdragon Diontie and Jacob - For great participation in lesson discussions, classroom activities and involvement in our 'Stay Safe' day presentations.
Protea Eleanor - For amazing participation in our Worldwide Fruit visit.
Bluebell Charlotte - For being more alert and for using switches to operate the vibrating pillow.
Jasmine Sabine - For relaxing during our yoga sessions and enjoying passive stretches.

Week ending: 22.09.23

Buttercup Aaron - Being kind to his friends and sharing toys.
Poppy Evie - Joining in with activities/interactions and looking at the scrapbook.
Sunflower Noah - lots of talking and using new words all the time.
Water Lily Phoebe - Lovely calm TACPAC sessions.

Cayson - Showing great confidence when swimming this week.

Daffodil Alfie - Amazing independence getting ready for PE.
Iris Lexi - For her mature and positive attitude towards physio and learning.
Venus Flytrap Rosie - For trying her best in every lesson this week.
Foxglove Lottie - Fantastic communication skills this week.
Leopard Lily Eva - For excellent independent skills.
Tiger Lily

Jessica - For her role in the Enterprise Project.

Amelia - For self-regulation.

Lavender Tallulah - For following class routines so well.
Snapdragon Imogen - Excellent expression language in Literacy piece.
Protea Finlay - Amazing week of listening and working hard.
Bluebell Ollie - Good communication and saying words clearly and attempting new words.
Jasmine Jay - Super responses to sound and smell stimuli this week.

Week ending: 15.09.23

Buttercup Georgia - For fantastic speaking and counting.
Poppy Seb - For amazing seeking and sounding out letters in phonics.
Sunflower Harry - For amazing 'special friends' recognition and 3 letter sound words.
Water Lily Billy - For very good listening.
Daisy Jaxson - For excellent swimming.
Daffodil Eva - For working hard on her number formation.
Iris Alex - For her contribution in all lessons.
Venus Flytrap Louie and Calum - For an amazing start to the year in Venus Flytrap.
Foxglove William - For super climbing to the top of the climbing frame and for sliding down independently.
Leopard Lily Myles - For using scissors more independently.
Tiger Lily Finley - For a great attitude, helping friends and for his role in the enterprise project.
Lavender Matthew - For great participation in science lessons.
Snapdragon Lucas - For excellent focus and handwriting in literacy.
Protea Kayden C - For an excellent start to his work experience.
Bluebell Chloe - For super work on Eyegaze this week.
Jasmine Brody - For super responses during our welcome session.