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Star of the Week ​​

At Willoughby, each pupil attends a weekly assembly which celebrates outstanding achievements during that week. Pupils can be awarded star of the week by their class team for outstanding work, effort or contribution. 

In addition, each class has their own personalised reward system they use to reward hard work, attainment and effort.

Week ending 28.03.25

Magnolia Willow - For fantastic signing all this week.
Holly Arthur - For brilliant walking to and from Tesco.
Monkey Puzzle Aaron - For tasting a wholemeal sandwich.
Cherry  Edward - For engaging in Attention Autism through stages 1-3 independently.
Fir Archer - For helping to make a list of describing words in Literacy.
Elder Oscar - For his hard work and good concentration.
Chestnut Harry - For great effort with learning his new words in phonics.
Mulberry Noah - For excellent literacy comprehension work.
Sycamore Harrison - For independent work in English.

Alex - For fantastic, confident reading in phonics.

Honey-Bea - For being the first volunteer for the church performance.

Willow Lottie - For a super week, lovely listening and joining in with the end of the day stories.
Maple Zhi Chen - For a purposeful attitude towards and independently catching up with homework.
Acacia Kai - For using a spoon and knife independently to put butter in a bowl.
Jacaranda Luke - For showing good independence during his work experience placement.

Oliver - For engaging well with his long sitting.

Imogen - For using her voice to communicate with her peers and using her e-trans frame at snack time.

Lexi - For engaging with learning really well during Forest School.

Cedar Deimante - For her engagement during our sound bath session, lots of smiles and vocalisations!

Week ending 21.03.25

Magnolia Frankie - For fantastic engagement during Forest School.
Holly Seb - For being calm in the Sensory Room and 4D Room.
Monkey Puzzle Jayce and Alexa - For super team work, building together with magnetic blocks.
Cherry Daisy-May - For accepting help to clean her teeth with no resistance, opening her mouth and giggling. 
Fir Evie - For independently rote counting to 10 during our Forest School lesson.
Elder Jaxson - For working hard in all lessons with sensible behaviour.

Olivia - For great enthusiasm with her walking this week.

Edward - For managing exceptionally well with changes to routine and new places.

Sycamore Iona - For putting a great deal of effort into keeping her handwriting small.

Jack - For persevering with and correctly drawing right angles.

Lexi - For fantastic creative writing in skills builder.

Willow Anit - For an excellent week, engaging in all lessons and walking nicely to Tesco.
Maple Diontie - For working hard throughout the week and following instructions.
Acacia Eva - For making her friends drinks and washing up in the Independence Room.
Jacaranda Amie - For great and clear communication this week about her wants and needs.

Athena - For walking to the car at the end of the day.

Oscar - For engaging with time on his tummy.

Cedar Jay - For listening and responding to sounds during our 4D experience.

Week ending 14.03.25

Magnolia William - For recognising the spellings of his friend's names and some great signing.
Holly James - For using the toilet independently.
Monkey Puzzle Emily - For super phonics blending.
Cherry Bea - For using her AAC independently to say, open - bubbles - blow. Wow amazing work!
Fir Oliver - For trying hard to play nicely with his friends at playtime.
Elder Ash - For having a really good week and making excellent choices.  He has participated well in lessons and followed instructions at all times.
Chestnut Matthew - For showing great determination when moving around.
Mulberry Alfie - For fantastic Maths.
Sycamore Noah - For his enthusiastic reading.

Jack - For persevering with and correctly drawing right angles.

Lexi - For fantastic creative writing in skills builder.

Willow Tallulah - For enthusiastic learning and for being a fantastic week.
Maple Sky - For having a positive attitude towards her examinations this week.
Redwood Thomas - For working hard towards his exam and trying really hard during. Good luck Thomas!
Acacia Kai - For excellent swimming this week.
Jacaranda James, Amie, Eleanor, Jessica, Luke and Ben - For showing bravery and resilience in writing their exams this week.

Zach - For amazing walking without his walker.

Esmae - For using her voice to communicate in the swing room.

Riley - For a fantastic spa session.

Cedar Archie - For sitting beautifully using his sitting sling.

Week ending 07.03.25

Magnolia Noah - For trying so hard to feed himself every day this week.
Holly Victor - For brilliant sitting during activities.
Monkey Puzzle Lottie - For settling into her first week as Willoughby and joining the group for learning times.
Cherry Max - For being sensible and mature during library time.
Fir Billy - For talking to people out in the community and asking them what their jobs are.
Elder Sidney - For completing excellent work in phonics and also good work in maths.
Chestnut Leah - For outstanding enthusiasm in all Careers Week activities.
Mulberry All Mulberry pupils - For accepting so much change this week and giving their all to the activities provided.
Sycamore All Sycamore pupils - For fantastic engagement in all Careers Week activities. Well done everyone!

Aiden - For all his hard work supporting at Parent's Evening and his brilliant team work in Careers Week.

Finlay - For his brilliant participation in Careers Week and including everyone in his group.

Willow Lottie - For engaging so well with Careers Week activities.
Maple Kyle - For his hard work and preparations for his exams next week.
Redwood Gabriella - For a very sensible week.
Acacia Cairo - For asking questions on our Delaine class trip.
Jacaranda Luke - For great achievements during his work experience placement.
Oak All Oak pupils - For fantastic engagement when participating in our Careers Week activities.
Cedar Ollie - For being very engaged during our 4D session.

Week ending 28.02.25

Magnolia Frankie - For some great work on See & Learn.
Holly Frankie and Eva - For great engagement in Movement to Music.
Monkey Puzzle Jude - For amazing reading and phonics.
Cherry Cayson - For amazing sharing with friends.
Fir Archer - For making good decisions all week and floating on his back in this week's swimming lesson.
Elder Sophie - For working conscientiously in all her subjects.
Chestnut Hugo - For using his words more to communicate his needs.
Mulberry Lewi - For mastering his Maths this week.

Lili - For amazing independent work throughout the week.

Joe - For going above and beyond in all lessons.


Finlay - For brilliant innovation and teamwork during Faraday Challenge.

Tommy - For being an excellent team accountant during the Faraday Challenge.

Willow Breanna - For enjoying a super week in class and finding a love of reading in her playtimes.
Maple Thomas - For improved focus on his work and attitude to learning.
Redwood Kelsey - For an amazing return to school.
Acacia Eva - For some good money work making more complex amounts.
Jacaranda Jess - For reading and reviewing 18 books since September.
Oak Imogen - For walking from our class to Redwood Class.
Cedar Sabine - For sitting independently on her chair.

Week ending 14.02.25


Janice - For tidying up without being asked and for being a kind friend to everyone.

Parker - For being an absolute Super Star for toilet training this week.


Arthur - For lovely interactions with adults.

Seb - For writing his name independently.

Monkey Puzzle Jake - For his beautiful notes he leaves around the classroom and super dancing.
Cherry Joseph - For some brilliant colourful semantics sentences and for his See and Learn work.
Fir Evie - For great concentration in Maths when matching counters with different amounts of dots on them.
Elder Louie - For being kind and helpful and trying his best with everything this week.
Chestnut Harry - For being really clear and confident at saying his sounds.
Mulberry Noah - For following instructions and being amazing!
Sycamore Calum - For brilliant engagement in lessons all week.
Rowan Lucas - For having a positive attitude this term and working well with peers especially in sports and all class activities.
Willow Scarlett - For super Forest School and for tasting pizza that she made there.
Maple Harvey - For persistent hard work in all areas of the curriculum and applying himself with a smile. 
Redwood Matthew - For following instructions, good walking and being kind.
Acacia Kai - For some good measuring this week in maths,
Jacaranda All Jacaranda Pupils - For finishing in 4th place at the table cricket tournament.

Lexi - For beginning to use her communication board to choose toys at playtime.

Imogen - For initiating independent standing.

Cedar Sabine - For super interactions during our body awareness session.

Week ending 07.02.25

Magnolia Willow - For anticipating the start of Story Massage.
Holly Eva - For using 'More' Sign.
Monkey Puzzle Aaron - For being a kind friend and a great team player in snakes and ladders.
Cherry Edward - For incredible intensive interactions and taking his turn in Attention Autism.
Fir Phoebe - For listening to the adult and keeping safe during swimming lessons.
Elder Joe - For great engagement in SALT this week.
Chestnut Matthew - For his fantastic effort with his walker this week.
Mulberry Daniel - For a fantastic week.

Reggie - For showing kindness to his friends in Forest School.

Lili - For using the past tense correctly in her speaking and writing.

Rowan Honey-Bea - For always being conscientious and for producing excellent work.
Willow Breanna - For performing her role as PE Ambassador so conscientiously.
Maple Jan - For much improved focus and independent work in Maths (measuring) and English (recount) this week.
Redwood Alexander and Madi - For a great week and super recall.
Acacia James - For some brilliant swimming this week.
Jacaranda Amelia - For adjusting maturely to changes to her lunchtime.

Athena - For showing anticipation when the cold crinkle spray is used in our 'Hello Session'.

Oliver - For taking steps when trying a walker for the first time.

Cedar Archie - For standing tall in your standing frame and being so happy!

Week ending 31.01.25

Magnolia Noah - For trying and exploring new foods and textures and also for some fantastic PECs work.
Holly Frankie - For his willingness to use the toilet.
Monkey Puzzle Jude - For amazing communication and requesting.
Cherry Henry - For super communication using his AAC consistently and his voice to say 'happy, happy, happy'.
Fir Archer - For having a positive attitude and making good decisions this week.
Elder Jaxson - For being kind to friends and adults and going above and beyond.
Chestnut Eva - For having great enthusiasm using the playground number line to support her addition in maths.
Mulberry Mulberry Class pupils awarded Star of the Week for being so sensible.
Sycamore Noah - For amazing enthusiasm and commitment to his work all week. We are so proud of you!
Rowan Finlay - For being a good team member, including helping staff and being proactive and working independently.
Willow Tallulah - For being super sensible and for engaging in all activities. Well done Tallulah!
Maple Kayen B - For a positive attitude towards learning, always learning, making links and applying his knowledge.
Redwood Thomas - For independent shopping at Tesco.
Acacia Fred - For some great interaction with staff this week.
Jacaranda Eleanor - For showing bravery in trying different foods.
Oak Esmae - For fantastic walking in her walker.
Cedar Ollie - For super stretches during our body awareness session.

Week ending 24.01.25

Magnolia Georgia - For amazing work on See & Learn.
Holly Victor - For great communication.
Monkey Puzzle Jake - For being all round fantastic, particularly being very safe, polite and thoughtful on our Tesco walk this week.
Cherry Daisy-May - For being brave during swimming and communicating well during our sensory story this week.
Elder Joe - For persevering in Maths with measuring and working independently.

Hugo - For great communication this week and being more aware of who is around him. 

Mulberry Lewi - For demonstrating the Willoughby values,

Harrison - For independent number-line work.

Maisie - For amazing engagement and listening all week.

Rowan Jacob and Jack - For their independent learning this week.
Willow Lottie - For super engagement across all lessons and amazing work in PSHE. Well done Lottie!

Liam and Sky – For excellent ‘Time’ work in Maths this week.

Acacia Eva - For some good work in PSHE naming private parts of our bodies.
Oak Riley - For using his voice to initiate songs.
Cedar Chloe - For working hard to raise her head during tummy time.

Week ending 16.01.25

Magnolia William - for accessing sensory gym and trying really hard to use all of the equipment. 
Holly Harvey - for amazing counting. 
Monkey Puzzle Emily - for incredible recall of her phonics sounds. 

Bea - for superb communication and engagement in cooking this week and being independent in her morning routine.

Noah - for engaging with table cricket, remaining at the table and joining in enthusiastically. 

Fir Teddie-Rex - for fantastic work in PSHE talking about things that make him angry. 
Elder Ash - for great independent measuring in Maths. 
Chestnut Alfie - for facing his anxieties and being really adaptable to change. 
Mulberry Ajay - for being amazing this week, particularly in literacy and maths.  
Sycamore Joe - for amazing iPad work all week.
Willow Scarlett - for achieving 100% when selecting pictures in See and Learn (vocabulary) this week and participating well in all lessons.  Well done Scarlett!!!
Maple James - for his hard work, being a friend to others and helping his peers. 
Redwood Matthew - for a very positive week. 
Acacia Stephen - for ordering his numbers to 5 independently. 
Jacaranda Jess - for completing her reading challenge - 9 books since September!

Charlotte - for great engagement in all areas of learning. 

Oscar - for trying really hard when completing his tummy time. 

Cedar Dylan - was very engaged during our library session.  He used his big voice and helped to turn the pages of the book too. 

Week ending 10.01.25

Magnolia Frankie - for his amazing work on PECs this week.
Holly Sebastiaan - for brilliant phonics and maths work. 
Monkey Puzzle Saayon - for his wonderful, imaginary play. 

Max - for a superb week, especially his work in the swing room.

Cayson - for being so brave in his swimming lesson this week. 

Fir Oliver - for fantastic behaviour on the school mini-bus this week. 
Elder Sophie - for trying really hard in lessons this week, especially Phonics. 
Chestnut Leah - for being really confident to put her hand up and answer questions. 
Mulberry Ajay - for an amazing maths lesson. 
Sycamore Calum - for amazing work in See and Learn and fantastic iPad work.
Rowan Lexi - for starting the term off positively. 
Willow Jon-Pass - for using his iPad to answer questions and make requests throughout the day, increasing independently. 
Maple Charlie - for his perseverance and hard work. 
Redwood Alexander - for a great return to school and AMAZING artwork this week.
Acacia Fred - for using his voice.
Jacaranda Amie - for remembering to use her voice to ask questions when she wants something. 
Oak Zach - for taking steps independently whilst being supported by adults. 
Cedar Deimante - has been very engaged and vocal during our intensive interaction and sound bath experiences.

Week ending 20.12.24

Magnolia Willow - for some great signing this week. 
Holly Victor - for amazing engagement with sensory story. 
Monkey Puzzle

Teddy - for his amazing journey and sharing all his knowledge.


Henry - for opening a door when he saw Lily walking towards it, without prompting. 

Daisy-May - for asking for help to dry the slide. 

Fir Teddie - for spelling out and writing cvc words. 
Elder Oscar - for great behaviour, being kind and helpful and trying his best in all areas all week. 
Chestnut Whole class - for being really adaptable and settled throughout the changes we have had this term. 
Mulberry Lewis and Alfie - for an overall fantastic term. 
Sycamore Iona - for demonstrating amazing cutting skills. 
Rowan Whole class - for a brilliant trip to the museum of Lincolnshire Life. 
Maple Zhi-Chen - for persistent hard work and focus this week and always. 
Oak Whole class - for a fantastic term.
Cedar Jay - for using his great voice during our sensology session whilst encountering festive music and body percussion. 

Week ending 13.12.24

Magnolia Georgia - for using longer sentences this week. 
Holly James - for following instructions. 
Monkey Puzzle  
Cherry Edward - for walking in the community to Tescos, the woods, the library and to feed the ducks willingly and enthusiastically all term.  
Fir Billy - for learning positional language in Maths. 
Elder Joe - for great learning behaviour in all lessons this week.
Chestnut Eva - for being positive and settling straight back into the school routine after having time off.  
Mulberry Whole class - for a fantastic Christmas performance.  
Sycamore Whole class - for fantastic work in the Christmas performance. 
Rowan Whole class - for settling really well with having a different teacher this week. 
Willow Whole class - for a wonderful performance at the school Christmas performance.  They all sat nicely and walked safely to and from the church.  
Maple Diontie - for 100% effort in everything he does with a smile.  
Redwood Finlay - for his incredible performance in the church.  
Acacia Whole class - for a wonderful Christmas performance at the church. 
Jacaranda Whole class - for successfully planning, creating and serving a meal to 36 people this week!
Oak Lexi - for initiating walking to the sensory room from Oak classroom all by herself. 
Cedar Ollie - for super singing during our Christmas festivities.  

Week ending 06.12.24

Magnolia Janice, Georgia, Parker and Willow - for their fantastic Nativity performance.
Holly Arthur - for being such a happy Donkey in the nativity performance. 
Monkey Puzzle Whole class - for their amazing dancing and singing in the nativity. 
Cherry Whole class - for being absolute super STARS in our Nativity this week. 

Archer - for fantastic work reading his lines in the Nativity. 

Oliver - for walking all the way to the methodist church and back sensibly.

Elder Whole class - for their great performance in the Nativity this week. 
Chestnut Matthew - for a more positive attitude towards his walker and moving his feet more. 
Mulberry Lewi - for an amazing week. 
Sycamore Lili - for showing kindness to her friends. 
Rowan Jacob - for his brilliant morning work every day. 
Willow Scarlett - for being super engaged in our lessons, using her voice and an amazing maths lesson showing understanding of Big, Small, Tallest, Shortest. 
Maple Kayden - for a very positive attitude towards learning every lesson to produce work to a very high standard. 
Redwood Finlay - for great manners and super work all week!!!
Acacia Cairo - for excellent behaviour at the charity shop. 
Jacaranda Amie - for self-regulating during all the changes that have happened this week, showing good resilience. 
Oak Oliver - for crawling from the classroom to the canteen doors!
Cedar Chloe - for super standing tall using her standing frame. 

Week ending 29.11.24

Magnolia William - for great use of colourful semantics. 

Sebastiaan - for amazing independence and following instructions.

Harvey - for great communication with symbols.

Monkey Puzzle Jude - for a great return to school and amazing use of his communication book. 
Cherry Bea - for initiating interactions with her peers - lovely to see. 
Fir Teddie - for copying a sentence onto clicker writer. 

Sidney - for a great rainy day poem!

Oscar - for great phonics this week. 

Chestnut Harry - for coping really well with the transitions of staff. 
Mulberry Alfie - for being so sensible and coping with a change to routine. 
Sycamore Alfie - for doing up his coat so many times independently this week.
Willow Lottie - for being calm and happy in school and using her voice to initiating interaction with peers and staff in lessons - answering questions or repeating back key words. 
Maple Jan - for IT and technically supporting his peers without being asked. 
Redwood Maddie - for an outstanding week. 
Acacia Fred - for asking and making a cup of tea independently. 
Jacaranda Ben - for excellent communication with unfamiliar people in the community.

Esmae - for making a choice out of two items. 

Athena - for great work using the eye gaze machine. 

Cedar Sabine - for lovely interactions during our body awareness session. 

Week ending 22.11.24

Holly Arthur - for engaging with learning at the table. 
Monkey Puzzle Teddy - for making good choices and joining in with some learning times.  
Cherry Joseph - for amazing colourful semantics - navigating the folder independently. 
Fir Phoebe - for asking to use the toilet. 
Elder Rosie - for being brave at swimming and jumping in.  
Chestnut Hugo - for using his voice a lot more to assist his needs. 
Mulberry Dylan - for settling in to Willoughby so well. 

Joe - for fantastic work in phonics this week. 

Reggie - for incredible work in cooking. 

Rowan Holly - for brilliant work and focus in Art. 
Willow Anit - for typing lovely sentences this week and for being kind to a friend in the swing room - allowing swings to be swapped over for him. 
Maple Sky - for perseverance with and working independently on multiplication in Maths. 
Redwood Kelsey - for making great progress with her walking and fantastic communication this week. 
Acacia Myles - for participating in cooking this week. 
Oak Imogen - for using the ladder to walk around the classroom.
Cedar Dylan - for enthusiastic interactions with adults and friends during our class library session. 


Week ending 29.11.24

Magnolia William - for great use of colourful semantics. 

Sebastiaan - for amazing independence and following instructions.

Harvey - for great communication with symbols.

Monkey Puzzle Jude - for a great return to school and amazing use of his communication book. 
Cherry Bea - for initiating interactions with her peers - lovely to see. 
Fir Teddie - for copying a sentence onto clicker writer. 

Sidney - for a great rainy day poem!

Oscar - for great phonics this week. 

Chestnut Harry - for coping really well with the transitions of staff. 
Mulberry Alfie - for being so sensible and coping with a change to routine. 
Sycamore Alfie - for doing up his coat so many times independently this week.
Willow Lottie - for being calm and happy in school and using her voice to initiating interaction with peers and staff in lessons - answering questions or repeating back key words. 
Maple Jan - for IT and technically supporting his peers without being asked. 
Redwood Maddie - for an outstanding week. 
Acacia Fred - for asking and making a cup of tea independently. 
Jacaranda Ben - for excellent communication with unfamiliar people in the community.

Esmae - for making a choice out of two items. 

Athena - for great work using the eye gaze machine. 

Cedar Sabine - for lovely interactions during our body awareness session. 

Week ending 22.11.24

Holly Arthur - for engaging with learning at the table. 
Monkey Puzzle Teddy - for making good choices and joining in with some learning times.  
Cherry Joseph - for amazing colourful semantics - navigating the folder independently. 
Fir Phoebe - for asking to use the toilet. 
Elder Rosie - for being brave at swimming and jumping in.  
Chestnut Hugo - for using his voice a lot more to assist his needs. 
Mulberry Dylan - for settling in to Willoughby so well. 

Joe - for fantastic work in phonics this week. 

Reggie - for incredible work in cooking. 

Rowan Holly - for brilliant work and focus in Art. 
Willow Anit - for typing lovely sentences this week and for being kind to a friend in the swing room - allowing swings to be swapped over for him. 
Maple Sky - for perseverance with and working independently on multiplication in Maths. 
Redwood Kelsey - for making great progress with her walking and fantastic communication this week. 
Acacia Myles - for participating in cooking this week. 
Oak Imogen - for using the ladder to walk around the classroom.
Cedar Dylan - for enthusiastic interactions with adults and friends during our class library session. 

Week ending 15.11.24

Holly Sebastiaan - for lots of talking to ask for what he wants. 
Monkey Puzzle Saayon - for a fantastic forest school lesson. 
Cherry Cayson - for working really hard on his physio tasks and being brave in the sensory room, using his big stepping and climbing skills. 
Fir Evie - for using her voice lots in Maths lessons. 
Elder Sidney - for working hard on his rhyming words in English.  
Chestnut Olivia - for excellent walking in her walker this week.  
Mulberry Ajay - for a fantastic forest school lesson. 
Sycamore Whole class - for showing fantastic respect when we visited the memorial gardens for remembrance day. 
Rowan Imogen - for fantastic participation and focus in all lessons this week. 
Willow Whole class - for accepting changes in class this week.
Maple Kyle - for working very hard and being focused throughout the week. 
Redwood Leah - for an incredible return to school following a long time off!
Acacia Eva - for being sensible when we went into town. 
Oak Charlotte - for great switch work when using the bubble machine. 
Cedar Archie - for super engagement when activating his morning switch, then pressing it several times.  

Week ending 01.11.24

Magnolia William - for going in the spa this week.  
Holly Frankie - for great maths. 
Monkey Puzzle Jake - for sharing his maths knowledge with his peers. 
Cherry Max - for an amazing week, superb engagement in all lessons and being very enthusiastic.  
Fir Phoebe - for wearing pants in school and using the toilet. 
Elder Ash - for good behaviour all week. 
Chestnut Edward - for being more confident and settled during activity times.  
Mulberry Lewi - for a fantastic week. 
Sycamore Noah - for independently writing instructions in English. 
Rowan Vinnie - for his positive attitude and attempting work on his own.  
Willow Anit - for completing tricky maths tasks this week, as well as making positive choices in class. 
Maple Zhi-Chen - for constantly working his absolute hardest every day and a very positive attitude towards learning. 
Acacia Kai - for using his walker out in the playground. 
Oak Riley - for amazing walking using his walker in the corridor. 
Cedar Daniel - was very expressive whilst listening to our rock music in 4D session, great giggles and vocalisations.  

Week ending 08.11.24

Magnolia Parker - for some fantastic sensory exploration. 
Holly Eva - for exchanging a picture for a toy. 
Monkey Puzzle Lenny - for being super when swimming and trying to put his socks on. 
Cherry Henry - for carrying his AAC to lunch and to lessons out of the classroom. 

Teddie - for a great first Theraplay session. 

Oliver - for a great first Theraplay session.

Elder Sophie - for good work in phonics and trying hard in the rest of her lessons. 
Chestnut Leah - for great leadership skills in forest school.  
Mulberry William - for having a fantastic week in school and for being so sensible on his tea time visit. 
Sycamore Iona - for fantastic engagement in Forest School. 
Rowan Aiden - for fantastic conversations and discussions in class this week. 
Willow Jon-Pall - for using his iPad to communicate new things this week. 
Maple Liam - for excellent performance in Maths - multiplication and word problems.
Redwood Madi - for being supportive of her friends this week. 
Acacia Stephen - for completing sensory gym.

Amelia - for showing amazing resilience this week. 

James - for his excellent walking and resilience this week. 

Oak Zach - for reaching out and stroking Polly the pet therapy dog with both hands independently. 
Cedar Chloe - for settling back into school and being very happy and engaged.  What a star!

Week ending 01.11.24

Magnolia William - for going in the spa this week.  
Holly Frankie - for great maths. 
Monkey Puzzle Jake - for sharing his maths knowledge with his peers. 
Cherry Max - for an amazing week, superb engagement in all lessons and being very enthusiastic.  
Fir Phoebe - for wearing pants in school and using the toilet. 
Elder Ash - for good behaviour all week. 
Chestnut Edward - for being more confident and settled during activity times.  
Mulberry Lewi - for a fantastic week. 
Sycamore Noah - for independently writing instructions in English. 
Rowan Vinnie - for his positive attitude and attempting work on his own.  
Willow Anit - for completing tricky maths tasks this week, as well as making positive choices in class. 
Maple Zhi-Chen - for constantly working his absolute hardest every day and a very positive attitude towards learning. 
Acacia Kai - for using his walker out in the playground. 
Oak Riley - for amazing walking using his walker in the corridor. 
Cedar Daniel - was very expressive whilst listening to our rock music in 4D session, great giggles and vocalisations.  

Week ending 18.10.24

Magnolia Noah - for his fantastic walking this week and for finding his own photo every morning during hello. 
Holly James - for giving fantastic attention to our bucket activities.
Monkey Puzzle Aaron and Saayon - for their growth in confidence in their swimming this term and trying to use the floats to help with the skills. 
Cherry Edward - for walking so well to and from Bourne library and engaging while there.
Fir Archer - for good concentration and hard work in Art lessons.
Elder Joe B - for independently using his reading pen. 
Chestnut Matthew - for being really good in his walker and Harry for excellent phonics work.
Mulberry William - for being independent in the dinner hall. 
Sycamore All of class - for a fantastic first half term. 

Aiden - for his fantastic support showing parents around school at parents' evening.

Lexi - for getting back in her walker.

Willow Breanna - for having a fantastic attitude to learning and using her voice. 
Maple Diontie - for a super inquisitive attitude to his work and determination.
Redwood Thomas - for being a super star at Tesco. 
Acacia Cairo - for some excellent comprehension work this week. 
Jacaranda Eleanor - for using skills gained at school in her home life.

Lexi - for excellent engagement in movement to music.

Oscar - for fantastic volcalisations in peer-to-peer communication. 

Cedar Deimante - for using her big voice whilst engaging in our sound bath session. 


Week ending 11.10.24

Magnolia Parker - for correctly identifying his own photo every day this week.
Holly Harvie - for moving around school safely. 
Monkey Puzzle Jayce - for amazing improvement in number recognition and counting. 
Cherry All of Cherry class - for being so brave and inquisitive yesterday when ZooLab visited us.
Fir Teddie - for being extremely sensible all week.
Elder Jaxson - for showing great learning behaviours this week. 
Chestnut Leah - for working more independently and great repeated pattern work this week.
Mulberry Elio - for fantastic maths work and completing the activity independently. 
Sycamore Calum - for amazing work all week, following instructions well and showing enthusiasm in all lessons. 
Rowan Jacob - for brilliant engagement and participation in every lesson, even when he is not sure and for the compliments he receives for his behaviour everywhere he goes around school.
Willow Jon-Pall - for having courage to try new things this week. 
Maple Charlie - for an excellent attitude to learning, great progress in comprehension, a brilliant homework record and super work in maths. 
Redwood Matthew - for super behaviour all week. 
Acacia Fred - for engaging in Art this week. 
Jacaranda Amelia - for her bravery during Scifest by holding a tarantula.

Charlotte - for initiating communication to gain adults attention. 

Riley - for initiating an interaction with an adult when playing with his cars. 

Cedar Ollie - was very engaged whilst encountering the creepy crawlies during our zoolab visit. 

Week ending 04.10.24

Magnolia Janice - for showing excellent independence and being helpful to her friends. 
Holly Victor - for accessing activities at the table. 
Monkey Puzzle Emily - for her amazing pen control and independently tracing her name. 
Cherry Henry - for being settled all week and telling staff how he is feeling in hello. 
Fir  Oliver - for good work at forest schools. 
Elder Rowman - for swimming independently at swimming, further than he has before. 
Chestnut Hugo - for excellent participation during songs and rhymes. 
Mulberry All of Mulberry class - for responding to the new classroom musical cues.  
Sycamore Harrison - for brilliant engagement in our science lesson this week. 
Rowan Finlay - for improved engagement and concentration this week.  
Willow Lottie - for participating in PE independently.  
Maple Kayden B - for excellent Maths problem solving and and showing all of his working out.  
Redwood Finlay F - for being helpful with friends and teachers.
Acacia Eva - for being polite to people around school.
Jacaranda Eleanor - for amazing teamwork and leadership during forest school this week. 
Oak Oliver - for initiating positive interactions with adults and touching different sensory stimuli.
Cedar Sabine - for lovely interactions during our body awareness session. 

Week ending 27.09.24

Magnolia William - for being a kind friend all week. Can we also have Willow for going in the spa this week.
Holly Frankie - for following instructions and focussing on activities.  
Monkey Puzzle Lenny - for sharing his nail polish with all his friends and keeping his friend Emily safe.
Cherry Bea - for using her AAC independently in snack this week, you are a super star.
Fir  Teddie - for helping a younger child go up and down the slide. 
Elder Shihan - for great recall of the column method for addition in maths. 
Chestnut Edward - for sitting through forest school and taking part in the activities.  
Mulberry Lewi - for developing his independence in all aspects of school life. 

Noah - for outsmarting the adults in maths!

Lili - for beautiful reading. 

Rowan Alex - for being helpful all week. 
Willow Tallulah - for a good attitude to all her learning this week.  
Maple Harvey - for immense effort in all lessons but especially his extended written piece 'Marvellous Me'. 
Redwood Oscar - for superb sensible behaviour all week.  
Acacia James - for some good measuring during enterprise and cake making. 
Jacaranda James - for amazing work in maths this week. 
Oak Zach - for being engaged in his learning and trying really hard with his walking this week.
Cedar Jay - for seeking the sound source during our sound bath session. 



Week ending 20.09.24

Magnolia Georgia - for participating well in our PE session.
Holly Eva - for fantastic communication.
Monkey Puzzle Alexa - for improved listening and being aware of keeping safe in the pool.
Cherry Noah - for a great start to constructing a two-part colourful semantics sentence. 
Fir  Evie - for joining with TACPAC sessions.
Elder Oscar - trying his best with phonics this week and using 'Fred talk' independently in other work.
Chestnut Eva - for being super sensible and remembering all 
Mulberry Ajay - for fantastic communication this week.

Calum for fantastic writing in Phonics.

Alfie for reading the class story to us all.

Rowan Lucas - for fantastic effort and achievements in maths.
Willow Breanna - for using new words and great work in PSHE this week.
Maple Kayden C - for an excellent attitude towards learning, detailed work and effort in all lessons. 
Redwood Finlay and Madi - for being good friends and very helpful. 
Acacia Kai - for walking down the corridor with his frame. 
Jacaranda Ben - for good first day work experience at Sainsburys.  
Oak Esmae - for practising her standing with the ladder.
Cedar Daniel - for great responses to sounds and expressing 'more'.


Week ending 13.09.24

Magnolia Frankie - for spending longer in the dinner hall and for using his words to ask for things.
Holly Harvie - for amazing transitions around school.
Monkey Puzzle Teddy - for settling into his new class and joining the group for learning times.
Cherry Max - for super colourful sematic sentences using who, what, doing and where words. 

Phoebe - for following a dot line when writing.

Billy - for eating some of his school dinner.

Elder Louie - for trying to be more independent with putting on his shoes and socks this week.
Chestnut Olivia - for being great and confident at communicating her needs to us at all times.
Mulberry Savannah - for being a superstar all week.
Sycamore Noah - for fantastic independent sounding out when reading.
Rowan Honey-Bea - for such a brave and confident return to school.
Willow Jon-Pall - for having a can-do attitude in all of his learning this week and for trying new things as well as using his voice. 
Maple James - for a positive learning attitude and being thoughtful towards others.
Redwood Thomas - for being very brave this week.
Acacia Fred - for stopping a member of staff in the corridor to say hello.
Jacaranda Jess - for being the first pupil on our reading challenge to complete a book.
Oak Athena - for climbing up and down the stars in the outside area.
Cedar Archie - was very relaxed and engaged during his physiotherapy assessment.


Week ending 06.09.24

Magnolia William, Parker, Janice and Frankie - for settling in so well. 
Holly Victor and James - for having an amazing first week of school.
Monkey Puzzle Whole class - for settling back in so well. 
Cherry Edward - for using his PECs in sensory story and snack this week. 
Fir  Oliver - for independently completing his morning box work.

Whole class - for beginning the school year with great confidence and learning behaviours.

Chestnut Whole class - for settling in beautifully.
Mulberry Alfie - for having a great attitude towards his learning this week.  
Sycamore Harrison - for fantastic sounding out in his writing.
Rowan Whole class - for settling back into school well.
Willow Anit - for coping well with new changes and helping to tidy up.
Maple Whole class - every single member has settled in to the new year with such positivity and delight.
Redwood Gabriella - for being enthusiastic and engaged on her first 3 days in class. 
Acacia James - for using Makaton to communicate what he wanted.  
Jacaranda Amelia - for great morning work and settling in so well.
Oak Imogen - for using the ladder when standing.
Cedar Whole class - has settled in beautifully and enjoyed our first week at school.