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Careers, Education and Employability

          Our vocational pathway programme supports pupils to make informed choices regarding their future, offering guidance and a variety of experiences along the way. Pupils are given the opportunity to explore industries in the local community and develop their skill set based on their individual areas of interest. The academy is fortunate to be supported by an increasing number of local businesses, offering school visits and external work placements within our local community.

At the beginning of Key Stage 3 pupils participate in vocational profiling.  Information is gathered from pupils exploring aspirations, interests, skills and abilities for employment.  Through this profile the academy are able to facilitate suitable placements for individuals who show the readiness and willingness to participate.

We offer a variety of internal and external work experience placements. Each placement is supported and prepared by a school job coach at a pace that is appropriate for the individual.

Click here for latest updates.

Our vocational pathway programme is underpinned by the Gatsby Benchmarks,

We work towards offering high quality encounters with a variety of industries, as well as encouraging the development of independence skills to prepare pupils for adulthood as they progress through school. 

Please click here to read the Careers and World of Work Policy.

Please click here for World of Work Vocational Pathways.

Please click here for the Policy Statement for Provider access.

Please click here for Preparing for Adulthood - Lincolnshire County Council